Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Disney Christmas Dresses

This is the first Christmas in the past 15 years that I have had the gift of time.  I took my last final at Columbus State on Dec. 11th and since I am a poor college student with a fairly large fabric stash this is going to be a Pintrest Christmas. My first project I tackled were Disney inspired Holiday Dresses for my nieces, Gigi and Emma.

My sister and her family have been planning a trip to Disney World for February 2013.  Knowing that they needed Christmas dresses AND something cool to wear to the Magic Kingdom, (and something non-scratchy and washable!) I climbed into the attic and like a dragon with gold, started sorting through my fabric stash.  I have no clue what the cranberry cotton velveteene was going to be, but it became a Holiday Belle inspired dress for Gigi and a brothers Grimm inspired dress with pinafore for Emma.

Gigi is always HOT so I made sure her dress had short sleeves.  PopPop helped me pick out the gold and creme crepe back satin.

Unlike her sister, Emma is always cold so her dress has long sleeves.  The pinafore is made from white on white cotton purchased from Joann about 10 years ago. The trim on the pinafore was purchased at Pennsic and the velvet ribbon is from Momma Tingley's ribbon stash.  Both dresses have a generous hem and are a little loose so if they grow I can adjust the length.

 The dresses were a great opening project for me to get back into the swing of creativity.  I am hoping the girls have a wonderful time at Disney World and are still excited to wear their dresses at Be Our Guest Restaurant for dinner!

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