Saturday night is one of my favorite nights in the Team PirateFrog household. DT works Tues-Saturday thus Saturday night is our Friday night. After he gets home, DT normally goes for a run, then we have a nice sit down dinner. Tonight I found inspiration from two places. On my 45min commute to CSCC's campus I like to listen to audio books. Right now I'm listening to Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews. One of the characters, Andrea, has lunch at a BBQ pit. She professes the reason why the ribs are so tasty is due to the brine. Brine? I brine chicken breasts and turkeys but ribs? I broke out the Google-fu and found Jason's BBQ Adventures. It looked so tasty so I followed the recipe for brine and rub. It's in the oven now and smells wonderful!
Dinner did take a bit longer than normal so I decided to treat DT to deviled eggs. This pin has been floating around Pinterest and this is the second time I have baked my hard-boiled eggs. The recipe states that you have to use fresh eggs and it's correct. I used two older eggs and 6 that I had just purchased tonight. The older ones cracked and when we went to peal them the shell stuck and they were not conducive to deviled eggs. DT hoovered his eggs up while I made the coleslaw and cornbread.
The Plum and Bourbon ice cream turned out well. I was lazy and used store purchased jam. I thought the ice cream base had too much of a custard feel but DT loved it. After sampling the recipe I can say that if you like bourbon, add a 2nd shot to the base. The ice cream still froze nicely with the extra alcohol. Next time I think I will use a vanilla base recipe if I go the store bought route for the jam. Plums just aren't in season in Ohio year round.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Pinspiration: Holiday Window Decor
Swim, cook, sew - the new triathlon?
It's been a few days since my last update. With the semester starting I've been busy with classes. On the workout front I've been spinning at Breakaway Cycling on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights to help loosen up my knee. I tried running yesterday but decided after 2 miles that discretion was the better part of valor. This morning I made it to my first Master's Swimming practice. It's so nice to be back in the pool. My goggles kept fogging up which annoys me since they are new. I normally spit in them and that does the trick but today the SCUBA trick just wasn't working.
This morning workout:
Warm up: 100 Swim, 100 kick, 100 pull and 100 drill
Workout: 10x50yds pull and 12x50yds swim. I did these one 1:10 to let the clock count for me.
Cool down: 250yds
I felt like a big wienie, the cool down was the hardest part!
Cooking wise I've been experimenting with a Plum and Bourbon ice cream recipe and plan on freezing the custard today. We had a great time taste testing which of our three house bourbons to use. We have Maker's Mark 46, Woodford Reserve and Ohio's own Watershed Distillery Bourbon. I'm a fan of Woodford Reserve because it's the smoothest of the two but DT and H2OLupa voted for the MM 46.
Today craft wise I am finishing some place mats for my brother and starting work on a new project- my 1947 outfit for the IPMS model show in Feb. Click here for my Pinterest board
This morning workout:
Warm up: 100 Swim, 100 kick, 100 pull and 100 drill
Workout: 10x50yds pull and 12x50yds swim. I did these one 1:10 to let the clock count for me.
Cool down: 250yds
I felt like a big wienie, the cool down was the hardest part!
Cooking wise I've been experimenting with a Plum and Bourbon ice cream recipe and plan on freezing the custard today. We had a great time taste testing which of our three house bourbons to use. We have Maker's Mark 46, Woodford Reserve and Ohio's own Watershed Distillery Bourbon. I'm a fan of Woodford Reserve because it's the smoothest of the two but DT and H2OLupa voted for the MM 46.
Today craft wise I am finishing some place mats for my brother and starting work on a new project- my 1947 outfit for the IPMS model show in Feb. Click here for my Pinterest board
bourbon ice cream,
Breakaway Cycling,
swim workout
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
The Granola Experiment
DT eats granola every morning. I mean EVERY morning. He can also eat the same thing for dinner every night and not mind. I think his short term memory is shot. On weekends I had to institute a new rule: no granola. It's expensive and since we eat 2 boxes every week, the food bill was getting out of hand. Let's face it, feeding a 6'4" giant is no cheap feat!
I mentioned in a previous post about my new cookbook Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution (thanks Mom!) and I found a granola recipe that looked tasty. Doubts because some of the ingredients can be expensive but since I'm on the injured reserve list, I have some time on my hands.
The Recipe:
2 c. quick oats
1 heaped cup mixed nuts (I used almonds)
1/4 c mixed seeds (I used sunflower and pumpkin)
3/4c unsweetened shredded coconut
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 1/2c dried fruit
5 Tbsp maple syrup or honey (I used maple syrup)
5 Tbsp olive oil
*not in the recipe but I added some rolled barley flakes since I had some in my pantry.
Preheat the oven to 350. Mix the dry ingredients but not the fruit on a sheet pan. Stir well and drizzle in the maple syrup and olive oil. Bake for 25-30 mins, stirring every 5 mins. While the granola is baking, chop any large fruit. When it is nice and golden, take it out of the oven and mix in the fruit. Let it cool down and store in an airtight container. Will keep for up to 2 weeks. This filled up 2 1qt mason jars.
The cost:
**I used package weights so my math will be wrong on some items I do not have a scale in my kitchen**
Quaker Oats: $6.99? for 42oz. Cost per batch: $2.656
Almonds: (Aldi) $3.99 for 12oz. Cost per batch: $2.66
Seeds: Sunflower (Whole Foods) $2.69 for 16 oz Cost per batch $.224
Pumpkin (Whole Foods) $3.69 for 8oz Cost per batch $.46
Coconut: (Whole Foods) $3.69 for 5 cups Cost per batch $.56
Cinnamon: ?? It was in my pantry
1 1/2c dried fruit: I used 2: a mix from Aldi (entire mixed berry 8oz) $2.49 for 8oz and Dates (1/2c) $1.99 for 8oz Cost per batch $3.00
Maple syrup and olive oil were in the pantry.
Next time I'm in Kroger I will need to look up the cost of the oats and the exact cost of the granola. If I continue to make this, I need to find a cheaper source of oats and dried fruit.
Total cost per batch: $9.56 for 7 cups (56oz) of granola. This is $.17 per oz. I pay around $3.50? for 16oz ($.21 per oz) so I think that the Granola Experiment is successful. I just have to wait until morning to see if DT likes the recipe!
UPDATE: I don't eat sweet things for breakfast and this is leaving me wishing that I used some honey in addition to the maple syrup. I also think I over roasted so make sure you are checking every 5 mins and rotating like the recipe says. I had my timer go off and I was slow to get to the oven so I had it in for around 30.
UPDATE 2: I made a second batch this morning with the following edits: Oven temp 325. Total cook time: 20 mins; turning every 5 mins. This time I used honey- you know the old nasty kind that gets solid in the bottom of an old honey bear? Yeah, that stuff! I microwaved the bottle for 10 seconds and drizzled on the 5 Tbs. Best way to use "old" crystallized honey! I also sprinkled some brown sugar on the top since DT asked how much I used the first time.
Happy Breakfast!
Downhill Skiing
This week, DT took me on my first skiing adventure! Skiing is like wearing the worst pair of high heeled dress shoes and having no toes. I felt like Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid, every weight change was met with a knife stab to my feet. DT on the other hand, lived in Breckenridge, CO for several years and managed a ski shop. He laughs in the face of moguls! Black diamonds? Bring them on!
I met DT at ASBCO, his part time job, to find rental skis, pants and gloves. Trying on ski pants is a humbling experience. Apparently everyone who skis has tinny stick legs. I have legs the size of tree trunks. No fancy bright colored ski pants for me, I was sent to the back of the store to try on basic black pants. Most ski pants are pretty expensive but mine came with free camel toe! How exciting!
When we got to Mad River, DT strapped me into my torture devices and we hit the bunny slope. He taught me how to stop (pizza!), how to bleed off speed (cut across the mountain, and other skiers), and how to change directions. The one thing he didn't tell me was how to fall, or what to do. This is pretty important for later. I discovered why skiers have skinny legs, holy cow it's a great workout! I would ski more if only I wasn't crying "GET THEM OFF! GET THEM OFF!" after every other run. I had to sit down and take off my boots for a bit. DT told me that rental boots can sometimes not fit well and that even his boots don't feel like comfy slippers. Needless to say I don't like getting the HTFU speech from DT.
After not falling on the bunny hill, DT wanted to go on a run with his friends. I don't understand "going on a run" with a friend- you can't exactly talk while skiing. I put on my brave face and we zoomed up the lift. Mad River has several beginner trails. Unfortunately DT wanted to go over the moguls. I cut to the left of them and trying to bleed some speed, I both turned left and pizzaed at the same time, tumbling ass over teakettle. Skis are long and when you fall, they tend to stay put instead of tumbling with your body. I doubled up in pain 1/2 way down the hill, clutching my knee. Several ski instructors came down to me and started asking questions. Was I ok? What hurt? Did I need a lift down? I had no clue what to do. Remember, DT hadn't covered crashing! I knew that I had to put on a good face for DT who was down at the bottom, looking up at me. I don't remember skiing down to the bottom of the hill but I'm sure it was thrilling. DT took me in for some hot coco and I couldn't control the tears. I saw my 1/2 marathon goal just disappear in front of my eyes. My entire 2013 season tanked.
I'm not afraid of crashing, I know it's a part of skiing, cycling or even running. What I am afraid of is going back to being fat and inactive. Spraining my knee 1 week into marathon season has been heart breaking. Soul crushing. DT tucked me into bed and I caught a glimpse of my training schedule taped to my wall. I couldn't help the tears. I don't know how long I sobbed. This was going to be my good season. I was going into this being healthy and fit and WHAM!
It's been 2 days since the trip. The knee is better. I spent yesterday elevating it with ice and ibuprofen. Today it was less stiff and sore but it started to throb when I ran errands. I'm back on the sofa with some ice and my new Jamie Oliver cookbook Jamie's Food Revolution!
I met DT at ASBCO, his part time job, to find rental skis, pants and gloves. Trying on ski pants is a humbling experience. Apparently everyone who skis has tinny stick legs. I have legs the size of tree trunks. No fancy bright colored ski pants for me, I was sent to the back of the store to try on basic black pants. Most ski pants are pretty expensive but mine came with free camel toe! How exciting!
When we got to Mad River, DT strapped me into my torture devices and we hit the bunny slope. He taught me how to stop (pizza!), how to bleed off speed (cut across the mountain, and other skiers), and how to change directions. The one thing he didn't tell me was how to fall, or what to do. This is pretty important for later. I discovered why skiers have skinny legs, holy cow it's a great workout! I would ski more if only I wasn't crying "GET THEM OFF! GET THEM OFF!" after every other run. I had to sit down and take off my boots for a bit. DT told me that rental boots can sometimes not fit well and that even his boots don't feel like comfy slippers. Needless to say I don't like getting the HTFU speech from DT.
Big smiles at the top! |
I'm not afraid of crashing, I know it's a part of skiing, cycling or even running. What I am afraid of is going back to being fat and inactive. Spraining my knee 1 week into marathon season has been heart breaking. Soul crushing. DT tucked me into bed and I caught a glimpse of my training schedule taped to my wall. I couldn't help the tears. I don't know how long I sobbed. This was going to be my good season. I was going into this being healthy and fit and WHAM!
It's been 2 days since the trip. The knee is better. I spent yesterday elevating it with ice and ibuprofen. Today it was less stiff and sore but it started to throb when I ran errands. I'm back on the sofa with some ice and my new Jamie Oliver cookbook Jamie's Food Revolution!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Pinspiration: Christmas Card Holder
Here is a short, glue gun project that will help get all of those
Christmas Cards off the nicely decorated mantel and on a blank space.
Based on this pin I created a Card Tree. I used a sheet of foam core, existing fabric from my stash, red and white ribbon, sewing pins and sequins.
Cut the foam core to the shape you desire and using some sewing pins, pin the fabric to the foam core on the edges. Wrap the fabric around to the back and glue down. Next you will have to decide where to place your ribbons. I used 4" between my ribbons. If I have time after the holiday I will remake this using 5 inches between ribbons. Some of the cards are larger and don't fit very well. Use a decorative sewing pin where the ribbons cross. I used a sequin to make it extra sparkly. Total cost was around $5.00. $3.99 for the ribbon and 1.59 for the foam core at Hobby Lobby. Everything else was from my stash.
This would be a great beginning project for any crafter- sans the slight burning of my fingers with the hot glue.
Cut the foam core to the shape you desire and using some sewing pins, pin the fabric to the foam core on the edges. Wrap the fabric around to the back and glue down. Next you will have to decide where to place your ribbons. I used 4" between my ribbons. If I have time after the holiday I will remake this using 5 inches between ribbons. Some of the cards are larger and don't fit very well. Use a decorative sewing pin where the ribbons cross. I used a sequin to make it extra sparkly. Total cost was around $5.00. $3.99 for the ribbon and 1.59 for the foam core at Hobby Lobby. Everything else was from my stash.
This would be a great beginning project for any crafter- sans the slight burning of my fingers with the hot glue.
Cap City Half Marathon
In my Christmas stocking I found an entry to the Capital City Half Marathon. Thanks DT! He knows that without the race motivation, I can become...inactive in the winter months. I am not the best runner but have always preached that triathletes need to swim like swimmers, bike like cyclists and run like runners. This year I'm going to suck it up, take my own advise and learn how to run like a runner. H2OLupa, my fellow Delawarian, gave me a membership to Front Runner's training club. Not only do you get a training plan but you also get a pace group to run with, how to run lessons along the way and all the support a runner needs. Front Runner's program is an 18 week long program that takes you from running 10ish miles a week to really racing 13.1 miles. Today was day 3: 2 miles. This is the first time I've run back to back days and I'm slightly worried. Previous years I have run every other or every 3rd day, with an average mileage of 10ish miles a week. Today I didn't exactly feel as light as a leaf on the wind. I felt like a lump of a woman, running through slippery snow quicksand. Not every day can you feel like a god when you tie on your running shoes. A bad day on the road is better than a good day in front of the tv!
I run in Newton's Terra Monentum and have been in them since August. I can't say enough good things about Newton footwear. Colorful would be the first thing that pops into my mind, but comfortable is the overall word. The idea is to have a shoe that helps you run on the forefoot instead of heel striking. I changed from heel striking to fore foot running 2 years ago and it's been wonderful on my knees. Anyone who is making the switch should look into Newton's Isaac shoe- it's made for run/walkers who are learning how to fore foot strike.
On a side note: I would like to thank the Hiram Lodge 18 for having the BEST sidewalks in downtown Delaware. They beat out all 3 churches and OWU in snow/ice removal.
I run in Newton's Terra Monentum and have been in them since August. I can't say enough good things about Newton footwear. Colorful would be the first thing that pops into my mind, but comfortable is the overall word. The idea is to have a shoe that helps you run on the forefoot instead of heel striking. I changed from heel striking to fore foot running 2 years ago and it's been wonderful on my knees. Anyone who is making the switch should look into Newton's Isaac shoe- it's made for run/walkers who are learning how to fore foot strike.
On a side note: I would like to thank the Hiram Lodge 18 for having the BEST sidewalks in downtown Delaware. They beat out all 3 churches and OWU in snow/ice removal.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Pintrest Christmas placemats
Pintrest is the devil. Or at least his little sister. I try to limit my Pintrest browsing time to during my morning coffee but sometimes that becomes two cups of coffee and then whoops- it's noon. As a crafter my biggest beef with Pinners in general are the missing links. I hate it when someone links to a tumbler (last time I checked at tumbler was a glass!) and there are no directions on how to accomplish the look in the pin. I try to always link my Pins to good sites, even if I have to link back to my own blog.
This year due to money < time, I made all of my family place mats for Christmas. The first set I tackled were for DT's brother and his family in Chicago. Frogs have a special place to DT's family so I designed these place mats based on this pin. I giggled the entire time I was designing this place mat. I freehand drew out out the pattern, using the pin as inspiration. The light green fabric is rit dyed Osnaburg cotton that I had dyed for a tunic (and promptly went yuck!) and cotton twill. The buttons came from my button stash. I made 2 frog place mats and 2 lily pad place mats with lotus flowers. Unfortunately I don't have a pic of the lily pad place mats but DT liked them so much I will probably make a set for us this summer.
The second and third place mat projects I made were both easier and harder. Easier because they are squares- yay! Harder because these took forever to finish- at least a full audio book. I made 12 place mats for DT's brother here in Columbus and 4 place mats for my sister's MIL. I used the same fabric for both- a cotton yarn like weave from the fabric stash with a rust red cotton twill backing, again from the stash. For DT's brother I used 2 sizes of cranberry grosgrain ribbon for trim. My sister's MIL has a much more neutral decor and I used the below gold braid. I also neglected to take a photo of BOTH d'oh! I still have some of the below fabric. I think it was purchased when I was still in my RenFair phase and thought I would make bodices and sell them. Turns out I detest both Monty Python and the Holy Grail AND The Princess Bride and couldn't imagine spending my free time sewing for people who could only quote those movies. I'm glad this fabric found a use, it was getting lonely in the WTF box in the attic.
This year due to money < time, I made all of my family place mats for Christmas. The first set I tackled were for DT's brother and his family in Chicago. Frogs have a special place to DT's family so I designed these place mats based on this pin. I giggled the entire time I was designing this place mat. I freehand drew out out the pattern, using the pin as inspiration. The light green fabric is rit dyed Osnaburg cotton that I had dyed for a tunic (and promptly went yuck!) and cotton twill. The buttons came from my button stash. I made 2 frog place mats and 2 lily pad place mats with lotus flowers. Unfortunately I don't have a pic of the lily pad place mats but DT liked them so much I will probably make a set for us this summer.
The second and third place mat projects I made were both easier and harder. Easier because they are squares- yay! Harder because these took forever to finish- at least a full audio book. I made 12 place mats for DT's brother here in Columbus and 4 place mats for my sister's MIL. I used the same fabric for both- a cotton yarn like weave from the fabric stash with a rust red cotton twill backing, again from the stash. For DT's brother I used 2 sizes of cranberry grosgrain ribbon for trim. My sister's MIL has a much more neutral decor and I used the below gold braid. I also neglected to take a photo of BOTH d'oh! I still have some of the below fabric. I think it was purchased when I was still in my RenFair phase and thought I would make bodices and sell them. Turns out I detest both Monty Python and the Holy Grail AND The Princess Bride and couldn't imagine spending my free time sewing for people who could only quote those movies. I'm glad this fabric found a use, it was getting lonely in the WTF box in the attic.
Disney Christmas Dresses
This is the first Christmas in the past 15 years that I have had the gift of time. I took my last final at Columbus State on Dec. 11th and since I am a poor college student with a fairly large fabric stash this is going to be a Pintrest Christmas. My first project I tackled were Disney inspired Holiday Dresses for my nieces, Gigi and Emma.
My sister and her family have been planning a trip to Disney World for February 2013. Knowing that they needed Christmas dresses AND something cool to wear to the Magic Kingdom, (and something non-scratchy and washable!) I climbed into the attic and like a dragon with gold, started sorting through my fabric stash. I have no clue what the cranberry cotton velveteene was going to be, but it became a Holiday Belle inspired dress for Gigi and a brothers Grimm inspired dress with pinafore for Emma.
Gigi is always HOT so I made sure her dress had short sleeves. PopPop helped me pick out the gold and creme crepe back satin.
Unlike her sister, Emma is always cold so her dress has long sleeves. The pinafore is made from white on white cotton purchased from Joann about 10 years ago. The trim on the pinafore was purchased at Pennsic and the velvet ribbon is from Momma Tingley's ribbon stash. Both dresses have a generous hem and are a little loose so if they grow I can adjust the length.
The dresses were a great opening project for me to get back into the swing of creativity. I am hoping the girls have a wonderful time at Disney World and are still excited to wear their dresses at Be Our Guest Restaurant for dinner!
My sister and her family have been planning a trip to Disney World for February 2013. Knowing that they needed Christmas dresses AND something cool to wear to the Magic Kingdom, (and something non-scratchy and washable!) I climbed into the attic and like a dragon with gold, started sorting through my fabric stash. I have no clue what the cranberry cotton velveteene was going to be, but it became a Holiday Belle inspired dress for Gigi and a brothers Grimm inspired dress with pinafore for Emma.
Gigi is always HOT so I made sure her dress had short sleeves. PopPop helped me pick out the gold and creme crepe back satin.
Unlike her sister, Emma is always cold so her dress has long sleeves. The pinafore is made from white on white cotton purchased from Joann about 10 years ago. The trim on the pinafore was purchased at Pennsic and the velvet ribbon is from Momma Tingley's ribbon stash. Both dresses have a generous hem and are a little loose so if they grow I can adjust the length.
The dresses were a great opening project for me to get back into the swing of creativity. I am hoping the girls have a wonderful time at Disney World and are still excited to wear their dresses at Be Our Guest Restaurant for dinner!
Ever since my life changed thanks in part to the cervical dysplasia, Thanksgiving has had new meaning. Thanksgiving means running shoes and thermal running tights. For the past four years I have been getting out of cooking dinner by running in the Flying Feather Four Miler. Last year DT joined me in the Thanksgiving tradition. He was nice enough to run with me last year. However this year DT wanted to WIN. Not only did he want to win but he also wanted to run with the gazelles...dressed like a bunny rabbit. As much as I wanted to see him with a poofy tail, I just couldn't find bunny ears.
So I dressed him as a turkey instead which is more appropriate for a turkey trot. I used burlap and dowel rods and assembled the tail like a fan. Unlike the blueprint, I just stitched around the edges of the feathers and the dowel rods. My mom knitted DT a red scarf which because it was over 50 degrees the day of the race, almost caused him to overheat. Normally it's in the 30's during the race, last year it rained/snowed so I planned for the worst when I designed his costume. I felt bad but DT was a trooper and didn't ditch the scarf. His post race report of the costume revealed that for next year, the arm loops need to be tighter. I also want to make the tail feathers a brighter yellow/orange/red.
I finished at 41:49. Not too shabby, but by no means a PR (personal record) on the course. This just means I have room for improvement for 2013!
PS: DT finished in 26:55 and in 61st place out of 4,000 even with a turkey tail!
PPS: You can sign up for 2013 Feather here! Where else are you going to get a long sleeve technical shit, hat, gloves AND A BOTTLE OF WINE AT THE FINISH LINE!?!?
So I dressed him as a turkey instead which is more appropriate for a turkey trot. I used burlap and dowel rods and assembled the tail like a fan. Unlike the blueprint, I just stitched around the edges of the feathers and the dowel rods. My mom knitted DT a red scarf which because it was over 50 degrees the day of the race, almost caused him to overheat. Normally it's in the 30's during the race, last year it rained/snowed so I planned for the worst when I designed his costume. I felt bad but DT was a trooper and didn't ditch the scarf. His post race report of the costume revealed that for next year, the arm loops need to be tighter. I also want to make the tail feathers a brighter yellow/orange/red.
I finished at 41:49. Not too shabby, but by no means a PR (personal record) on the course. This just means I have room for improvement for 2013!
PS: DT finished in 26:55 and in 61st place out of 4,000 even with a turkey tail!
PPS: You can sign up for 2013 Feather here! Where else are you going to get a long sleeve technical shit, hat, gloves AND A BOTTLE OF WINE AT THE FINISH LINE!?!?
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