I started off the day with creating a pattern for the neck corset/collar. This was a new item for me, I've seen these but never made one myself. I cut out 4 trapezoids, stitched them together and then put it on inside out. I took a sharpie and marked the curves. I finally was happy with the pattern and found some black cotton duck cloth to use. I wanted to keep the costume within the same texture so I tacked the collar to a foam head and sprayed it with PlastiDip. A lot of PlastiDip. So much PlastiDip that I was dripping on the basement floor. Unfortunately when it dried, you CAN'T EVEN TELL! I think I will try using the dip kind next instead of the spray. Eh, it's a learning curve.

Here is the pauldron held up next to the collar. I couldn't get the shoulder round enough (I was using a clay jar to shape it on) so I ended up using some drywall crack filler to well...fill in the cracks. It's not my preferred method but this shouldn't get dinged up too much so I'm not worried about it flaking or cracking.

Next I painted because I like to paint. I love the red here. I used Model Master in "Chrysler Engine Red" for the crown and "Bright Blue" for the shoulder piece. The yellow circles are white foamies that I painted with yellow 3d 'slick' fabric paint. I would of used yellow PlastiDip except I couldn't find any locally and I wasn't about to spend $10 on shipping for a can.

I spent some time during breakfast to do some research on Barda's Boom Stick (Megarod- whatever!) and in looking at the reference picture again I missed the detail on the right arm. Oh Noes!! I *think* it's a gauntlet. Filling in the details, I designed a gauntlet and set to work on construction. I'm making it a 2 part item, painting them separately and then joining them together. Below is the upper part.

I used the same construction as the crown- a WF base with foamie strips glued on to create a 3D effect. Next I take a larger sheet of WF and start to soften it around the base gauntlet.

The process takes a bit but is totally worth it! This isn't a final, I can see some lumps and bumps, but it is just about ready for primer.

Right now I've got primer on my pauldron and I need to put the final touches on my gaunlet and shape that as well. I'm going to wait on the 2nd plastidip coat on the collar until the morning. It's stinky stuff. I've got to tackle the bikini part and make a wee pouch to hold my keys/phone sooner rather than later. My goal is to be done by Wed the 26th because my boots should be arriving on Thursday and it will be a last min push to have them ready for Saturday.
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