Some tips:
- Test iron a piece first
- Use your "straight stretch stitch" instead of a zigzag! Here is what it looks like on my $90 Walmart Singer. It's the blue lines and it looks like three stitches next to eachother. LIFE CHANGING discovery! I will never use a zigzag ever again for top stitching spandex
- Use fuse and tear in strips to help put in zippers! I ironed a strip 1.5 inches wide on the front and back side and I have never had an invisible zipper go in so smoothly on spandex before.
- Watch your seam allowance. I got too close to the edge and when I put the suit on, the fabric pulled away from the yellow. I had to pick out all of the stitching and re-iron and re-sew. It was a time sink! Make sure you draw your seam allowance onto the paper to avoid this issue.
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