Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ms Marvel

Inspired by this pin I decided to try a new way of color blocking my Ms Marvel costume.  So far I've been using Pellon's Fuse and Tear.  It was super expensive at Joanns ($16) so I'm glad I downloaded Joann's iphone app and used a 50% off coupon.  I did notice that Walmart carries Sulky's version for $11.88 if you want to use what is in the pin.  It is a pain to pick out the paper from the stitches but WOW does it look amazing.

Some tips:
  • Test iron a piece first
  • Use your "straight stretch stitch" instead of a zigzag!   Here is what it looks like on my $90 Walmart Singer.  It's the blue lines and it looks like three stitches next to eachother.  LIFE CHANGING discovery!  I will never use a zigzag ever again for top stitching spandex
  • Use fuse and tear in strips to help put in zippers!  I ironed a strip 1.5 inches wide on the front and back side and I have never had an invisible zipper go in so smoothly on spandex before.
  • Watch your seam allowance.  I got too close to the edge and when I put the suit on, the fabric pulled away from the yellow.  I had to pick out all of the stitching and re-iron and re-sew.  It was a time sink!  Make sure you draw your seam allowance onto the paper to avoid this issue.
Happy Sewing!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Two Birds, One Stone

One of my major's requirements is a Growth and Human Development psychology class.  It's worth 3 credit hours and the biggest time sink of this semester.  It's a good class as far as knowledge however along with class work it also requires 10 credit hours of volunteer work.  I was able to work out with my professor that I could use my pending membership in the Heroes Alliance as part of my volunteer work since I had not done an event with them prior to the class.  PERFECT!  I love costumes, they allow me to interact with children in a way that I'm familiar with and I get to show off my costuming skills.   

My first event with the Heroes Alliance was the Stroll for Epilepsy

 We had a great time with the kids and got involved in Zumba, dancing and other activities.  I'm wearing Ms. Marvel, a suit that I'm not happy with.  I love the hand dyed silk scarf sash but I'm working on a new way to color block the lighting bolt.

We went outside to get a few "Super People in the Snow" photos.  I totally forgot that I didn't exactly have warm clothing on.  Superman was kind enough to let me borrow his cape until we made it back inside.

My second event with the Heroes Alliance was this weekend at the Chili Open at the Columbus Zoo.  The event is a huge fundraiser for many charities in the area.  The Team was thankfully inside in the children's area.  We had a great time interacting with the children- lots of ways to interact and keep the kids happy while the parents were able to eat, drink and donate.  True to form I was DDRing with the kids and hula hooping and well, acting like a kid!   I wore a borrowed Black Canary body suit but the jacket, boots and tights are my own.  I have a bodysuit but it just isn't ready yet.

 I had to take a few Canary Cry photos at the Eagle exhibit. 

 I like goofing off, Disney pun intended.  Disney purchased Marvel and Rogue and I couldn't resist posing with THE MOUSE outside of the Disney Store.

Last Christmas Gift!

In between anatomy studying, making some supersuits and working out I finally finished the last Christmas gift.  My little brother is another aspiring DIYer and he remodeled his kitchen with the help of Ikea.  The kitchen is modern so I knew I wanted a unique design.  The black and white fabric was purchased from walmart for $6.99 and the red came from my stash.  I hope they inspire good dinners, fine wines and wonderful memories.

World's Yummiest Granola Revisted

I've been making new batches of granola as fast as DT can eat yogurt filled bowls of yummy goodness.  I have tinkered with the recipe a bit and here is all of my hard work:

The Changes:
Instead of 3/4c unsweetened coconut, use 1/4c sweet and 1/2c unsweetened.
Instead of 5 TBSP (really?) Just use under a 1/3 cup of oil and honey or maple syrup.  Make sure you measure out the oil first, then heated honey or maple syrup.  This way the honey just slides right out of the measuring cup!  I also sprinkled a bit of brown sugar during the roasting process and that gave the granola more sweetness.  Trying to balance healthy and sweet granola goodness is hard!

I hope you like the new granola recipe just as much as we do!