Zombie Hadouken writes-
Hello there, i was looking for some Wonderflex advice, and was referred to your expertise.
I am making Dr Dooms Armor, and was wondering if i can use aluminum as a mold or base to wrap the wonderflex around.
will the heated wonderflex stick to the metal? I was going to use a small layer of baby powder if it does.
My plan of attack has been to make a mock up of the gauntlets and start there. i will then dissemble the gauntlets, and wrap wonderflex around the aluminum...but can i actually wrap it around? Ive never used the stuff before, and want to have a clear idea of how it will react to the aluminum before i start.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi there!
Wonderflex is kind of a weird substance. You never know exactly what it's going to stick to (or how long for that matter!) The one thing I know about WF is that it sticks to itself. I would encourage you to experiment with getting it to stick to Aluminum but you may have better luck forming it around something else long and cylindrical like a pint glass, jar candle, or anything else that is long and roundish like your gauntlet. I'm not sure how the baby powder would work (or cornstarch for that matter) but I have a BAD FEELING about trying that- sounds like it could get rather messy.
Your best bet is to cut out the basic shaped from foamies and see if the shape will work. Then you can cut it out of WF and start heating it (on low) with a heat gun. You will know when its about right when it starts to get a shine on the surface. For armor and durability's sake I would probably use 2 or 3 layers. This will make it very rigid.
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