Back to the madness. I fell in love with Big Barda. I mean wow look at this amazing woman:

I know amazing, right? Well I just couldn't resist when I saw the new Anime Comi Big Barda:

Looking at the figure I can see several challenges. First off you can't see her right shoulder or what she's hold in her right hand. Crap. So creative license there. Second, you have the body. Lots of it. Like every Ame Comi these girls are pretty nakers. With my Victoria's Secret gravity defying bra I'm confident but I think I might have to add a second ab workout from now on. I really want to accent boobs and hips- something of which that Barda and I share in common. This means I will have to play with the cut of the panties- it's a fine line between skimpy bottoms and making sure there is no muffin top!

Bra and Panties - red goat leather. I'm going to cover a VS bra and then sew the panties. I plan on using a pair of my existing underpants as a template.
Arm, neck & head: foamies dipped in tool grip. Should give the texture I want but still be flexible enough to let me move.
Should guard & knees: WONDERFLEX! (If you had to ask!)
Leggings- laser cut fish scale spandex lined with black.
Boots- Cyber punk boots, painted with nu-life.
Wig- (where I get all my wigs)
Stay tuned for updates!