I had a great time teaching Super Hero Costuming 101 but I think next year if the nice folks invite me back I would like to break it up in the planner- a planned hour panel on costumes and then an hour of hands on. I will need a larger supply of heat guns but I really do think that Wonderflex is a super cool substance and more people need to hear about the wonder.
Here are the links I talked about in my panel:
Helpful Links
Body Sculpting
http://www.c25k.com/ Learn how to go from a non-running couch potato to 5k in 9 weeks
http://www.beginnertriathlete.com Lean how to swim/bike/run
http://spandexworld.com Fabric supplier
http://www.spandexhouse.com Fabric supplier
http://www.stretchy.org/catsuit/ How to sew your own
http://www.spandexman.com Spandex suits
http://www.xtremedesignfx.com/ - Masks, belt parts
http://www.cosworx.com GOOD wigs and boots for men and women
http://www.snaz75.com/ Shoes for women
http://www.atthefront.com/ WWII site, good for leather pouches, ect.
http://www.fxsupply.com/ Body paint, makeup
http://www.theengineerguy.com Source for Wonderflex, Fossshape and other moulding supplies.
http://www.smooth-on.com/ Molding supplies
http://www.edecals.com Vinyl sheets, all colors including gold and silver mirrored.
http://proplady.livejournal.com/51225.html Wonderflex tutorial
http://wondergirl-mydivinecomedy.blogspot.com/ Kate's Costume Blog
http://www.snapdragondesign.net/ Julie's website
http://www.shoetreemarketplace.com Change your shoe color with Nu-Life
I just want to give a little shout out to the FPQ for the most fun I have ever had in recent memory at Marcon. Great conversation, great drinks and pretty nice eye candy. We closed down the Bar on 2 Sat night. Can't wait for their room party next year.